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IX International Business Forum «Mobile Content MoCO•2013» is a key annual event in the industry of mobile content will be held in Moscow on June 4-5th 2013.
During 9 years Forum has been considered as one of the most important event in the Mobile Content industry and every year it brings together leading companies from Russia, CIS countries, Europe, Middle East and the USA.
During two days the Forum is attended by more than 500 delegates, including top-managers of leading Russian and foreign cell operators, aggregators, providers, developers, possessors of rights and consumers of mobile content, suppliers and integrators of platform solutions, media and Internet companies etc.
MoCO∙2013 is unique place where meet players of traditional operators VAS market and representatives of modem “mobile content” understanding, all that is in mobile telephone: installed applications and their content.
Why it is different from other events?

Key forum themes for discussion:
• Trends at the Russian and world markets of mobile content;
• Long-term strategies of key players of traditional VAS and Internet-services;
• Mobile video and television/TV Apps & Connected TV;
• Business models and market players’ interaction;
• Trends at the market of mobile devices and technologies;
• Mobile commerce/mobile payments/micropayments/electronic commerce;
• Brand building in mobile environment. CASES (two blocs);
• Mobile applications in B2B segment – CASES.
At the moment the program of the conference is being formed. If you would like to make a report or present a case study, share your experience or offer interesting speaker, please, contact the Organizers. Submit theme and abstract for consideration to this email